Diverse Voices: Profiles in Leadership is designed to help communications leaders and professionals better understand the challenges faced by minorities in the field. Published in partnership with the Museum of Public Relations, Diverse Voices features interviews with more than 40 multicultural corporate and PR agency leaders. These executives, who have risen to the very top of this dynamic and vital field, share candid anecdotes detailing the successes they have had, the obstacles they have had to overcome and the lessons they have learned along the way. The book also has tips and lessons for those entering the field.
We all get the benefit of their experiences, perspectives and counsel.
Diverse Voices is a valuable resource not only for students and educators but for managers and professionals of all levels, in agencies, corporate communications departments and organizations. Diverse Voices will be available for purchase beginning in October 2018, with all proceeds going to the PRSA Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization, whose sole mission is to promote racial and ethnic diversity in the fields of Public Relations and Corporate Communications (www.prsafoundation.org). Please allow 4-6 weeks for shipping.